The Collaboration Partners

Equine Leadership Programs & Our Philosophy

We believe that collaboration transforms individuals and ensures organizations are as powerful as humanly possible

True collaboration is a celebration of the collective power within organizations, touching all of its aspects: employees, leaders, stakeholders, plus the investors​ and support communities that are essential for a company to operate in times of transformative change. And it reaches all areas of business… product development, sales, marketing and communications, finance, human resources and customer service.

We understand that working with horses and engaging with their wisdom is a radical step for many organizations. But the insight they provide and the scale of its impact is amazing: 

  • It is unfiltered, non-judgmental and holds a mirror to our own perceptions. 

  • It is deeply personal and allows every individual to pause and reflect.

  • It is truly inclusive; an egalitarian experience that celebrates diversity. 

Our human and equine team facilitates collaboration for lasting change. We believe that building a true collective empowers organizations, makes work more rewarding and ensures the time people spend together is as fulfilling as possible.

Working with The Collaboration Partners, you will:

  • Maximize the awareness and strengths of every individual.
  • Empower the true capabilities of your team and the people within it.
  • Discover new ways of collaborating to ignite cultural change.

“Collaboration: to work with another person or group
in order to achieve or do something”

Mariam Webster


Integrity and Congruence

Alignment of what we say with what we do. This applies to us internally as an organization and externally with clients, vendors, and collaborative partners.


• Of our horse and human team members and the knowledge & experience they bring to our organization;

• Of a diversity of strengths and perspectives;

• Of the clients who trust us with creating safe spaces to learn and develop themselves and their teams


To step into the unknown with curiosity and a willingness to acknowledge how collective trauma impacts our world and the people we interact with every day in our work, family, friends and communities.

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