The Collaboration Partners

Innovation is hard. It really is. Because most people don’t get it. Remember, the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, these were all considered toys at their introduction because they had no constituency. They were too new

Nolan Bushnell (

Recently, a colleague of mine in the executive coaching field told me about a conversation she had with a gentleman who was in marketing.  She knew this man and respected his opinion, so she shared some content she had written with the intent of perhaps having him assist her in marketing her new business venture which includes equine assisted executive coaching (yes, horses are part of the coaching session).  His response to her was “Is this just a way for your horse to pay its own way?” 

He didn’t inquire with curiosity about the modality of including horses in the coaching experience.  He didn’t inquire about how she came to be so excited about accelerating the learning process for her clients by including horses.  He didn’t inquire about how many global companies have been incorporating equine assisted leadership development into their L & D programs for over 15 years.  He scoffed at her dream and made it sound like she was trying to scam people just to buy hay for her horses and justify their existence in her world.

As a professional facilitator, my job is to be curious and ask powerful questions that help people look at things from a different perspective.  This is how they uncover beliefs, perceptions, and assumptions that may be getting in the way of them achieving outcomes they desire.  I am also passionate about providing people with the opportunity to truly experience what it feels like to think outside the box – an overused phrase in the corporate world to describe encouraging people to think more creatively.  Curiosity is at the heart of innovation.

I partner with horses to enhance leadership and team development for organizations because my “Why” is to challenge people to look beyond what is familiar and be open to solutions that they may not otherwise see because they are staying where they are comfortable.  Traditional leadership and team development programs rarely challenge people to honestly look at their beliefs, perceptions, and assumptions about themselves and others around them in a way that feels non-judgmental.  Horses, unlike people, give unbiased, non-judgmental feedback in the moment – there’s no hidden agenda, no grudges, and no desire to humiliate someone.  When my clients reflect on their experience at the end of a full day workshop and say “Confidence/leadership outside of one’s comfort zone really makes an impact” THAT’S why I partner with horses – whether mine or someone else’s – because I am passionate about helping the people who lead organizations learn to not fear what they don’t know.  And THAT is what allows true innovation to happen.

The term “innovation” literally means “a new idea, method, or device; NOVELTY; the introduction of something new” (Merriam-Webster, 2021).  What could be more innovative than partnering with horses for experiential learning for leaders and teams?


Ginny Telego is the President of The Collaboration Partners, a consulting firm that is committed to connecting people and ensuring they harness their individual and collective potential.  We believe that through facilitated collaboration we are able to help transform individuals and ensure organizations are aligned to common goals, perform better together, and are as powerful as humanly possible.  Learn more about the innovative organizational development work she does here.

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