The Collaboration Partners

Creating Emotional Safety For Your Team

Have you ever been in a meeting that just “felt” uncomfortable?  You know – where you could feel the tension among the participants?  This could be the result of participants who do not feel that they can express their ideas without a fear of negative response.  In other words, he or she does not feel […]

Why Does My Team Frustrate Me?

Recently I was talking with a middle school teacher who is teaching a class focused on helping students learn about their strengths and how working with others who have different strengths can be beneficial as team members.  As we discussed the challenges that students have with “tolerating” people who do things differently than they do, […]

Get Out of the Classroom to Improve Employee Engagement

A 2015 study from Gallup reports that 70% of employees are not engaged and a primary reason is ineffective managers (“State of American Managers, Gallup, 2015).  Why are managers ineffective? Reasons can vary but most likely it’s because they don’t have strengths and skills that support building and maintaining effective teams. Too often, employees are […]

Moving Your Team Forward

“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” – Patrick Lencioni A group of individuals from the same organization walked out into the small pasture with the task of moving a group of 4 horses from one corner of […]

A Leader’s Journey to Self-Awareness

By Ginny Telego In developing our equine assisted professional development programs, my colleague and I regularly read books, blogs and research studies to stay abreast of current trends in workforce development.  Most of what we read about leadership and team development focuses on building trust, being transparent in communication and an ability to adapt to […]

Action Learning Outside the Conference Room

What if leaders and managers across your organization had the ability to adapt quickly, understand their team better and work together to solve organizational challenges?  In today’s world, these skills are not only desirable, but they are necessary in order for organizations to thrive. Traditional leadership and team development programs have not been enough to […]

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

By Ginny Telego I recently saw a commercial for Keller Graduate School that started out with the phrase “Comfort kills careers.”  I couldn’t agree more. Leaders must be willing to step outside their comfort zone if they want to development skills that are relevant in today’s world.  The current business environment requires leaders who are […]

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