The Collaboration Partners

Confronting Our Beliefs About Power

Power. Just the word can evoke a variety of responses from people.  To some, the word is a positive representation of being able to rise above adversity and achieve goals – as in being empowered.  To others, the word is a negative representation of how people control others through fear.  The word itself is neither […]

Debunking Stubborn

“That horse is stubborn!” This is a common point of discussion in our leadership and team development workshops when a horse does not seem to be interested in doing what is being asked.  Think for a moment about a time when you were communicating something to another person and they seemed to ignore you.  It’s […]

Creating Emotional Safety For Your Team

Have you ever been in a meeting that just “felt” uncomfortable?  You know – where you could feel the tension among the participants?  This could be the result of participants who do not feel that they can express their ideas without a fear of negative response.  In other words, he or she does not feel […]

Why Does My Team Frustrate Me?

Recently I was talking with a middle school teacher who is teaching a class focused on helping students learn about their strengths and how working with others who have different strengths can be beneficial as team members.  As we discussed the challenges that students have with “tolerating” people who do things differently than they do, […]

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